Bank Statement Reconciliation in QuickBooks Online

If you’re not careful, your business checking account could be subject to overdraft fees. QuickBooks Online, our best small business accounting software, can help you ensure the accuracy of your bank transactions with its excellent bank reconciliation feature. You’ll be able to identify discrepancies, such as bookkeeping errors or omissions. If your beginning balance in your accounting software isn’t correct, the bank account won’t reconcile. This can happen if you’re reconciling an account for the first time or if it wasn’t properly reconciled last month.

  1. Select the account you wish to reconcile from the Account drop-down menu.
  2. It also affects the beginning balance of your next reconciliation.
  3. If you have been at it for a while and you need a break, QuickBooks allows you to pick up where you left off.
  4. Connect QuickBooks to your bank, credit cards, PayPal, Square, and more1 and we’ll import your transactions for you.
  5. If you still can’t fix the discrepancy, we cover troubleshooting tips on finding the difference later on, after Step 5.

The last part of the reconciliation process is to compare statement totals with QuickBooks Online totals. Once an expense on your statement can be matched with a recorded expense, you can click on the circle next to the amount to match the two amounts. You also need to ensure that the opening account balance shown in QuickBooks is correct.

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Add any transactions that are missing from QuickBooks by clicking the green Finish later button and entering the transactions as normal. If you added older transactions to QuickBooks that are dated before your opening balance, it may impact the account’s total. Here’s how to reconcile older transactions so everything stays balanced.

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If not, you’re most likely looking at an error in your books (or a bank error, which is less likely but possible). If you suspect an error in your books, see some common bank reconciliation errors below. Finally, compare your adjusted bank balance your total costs for health care to your adjusted book balance. Since you’ve already adjusted the balances to account for common discrepancies, the numbers should be the same. If you reconciled an account more than once, you likely already reviewed the opening balance.

Step 1: Navigate To the Reconciliation Window

QuickBooks will load the statements and facilitate a side-by-side comparison. If QuickBooks is not connected to online accounts, the statements will not be loaded. Finally, you need to make sure all transactions are matched to already-entered transactions, or categorized and added if there is no such transaction entered already.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to complete a bank reconciliation in QuickBooks Online, which can help verify that all the activities in your bank account are recorded accurately. To successfully reconcile your transactions against your bank statement, the difference between the ending balance and cleared balance should be zero. If the difference isn’t zero, we have troubleshooting tips to help you locate the discrepancies. If you dread reconciling your bank accounts, using the reconciliation feature in QuickBooks Online will make the task a lot easier. If you have connected your bank accounts with QuickBooks Online, it’s important that all of your downloaded transactions have been matched with recorded expenses. These transactions will also need to be categorized before continuing with the reconciliation process.

QuickBooks will attempt to match downloaded transactions to previously-entered transactions to avoid duplication. Since all of your transaction info comes directly from your bank, reconciling should be a breeze. There will be very few bank-only transactions to be aware of, and they’re often grouped together at the bottom of your bank statement. Here’s how you can review all of your cleared transactions. Verify that all transactions on your statement have been matched to QuickBooks.

First, try to match total bank deposits to total QuickBooks deposits by reviewing only deposit transactions. Then, match total withdrawals from QuickBooks and the bank statement. The beginning balance in the summary at the top of the QuickBooks reconciliation screen must equal the beginning balance on your bank statement.

Make sure you’re using the very first bank statement for that account. You may have to go back many months and then move forward, reconciling one month at a time. If it’s impossible to start your reconciliation in the first month of the bank account, you might need an experienced bookkeeper to help with your first reconciliation to get you on track. Due to banking delays, outstanding checks and deposits-in-transit aren’t recorded in the bank statement or can be recorded after the closing date. Here are a few other things you may want to consider when using QuickBooks Online.

Triple-check the statement balance, service charge, and interest income you entered from the bank statement. Make sure the service charge and interest income are only entered during the reconciliation if they aren’t already in QuickBooks. Trace the transactions from the detailed list to your bank statement.

QuickBooks processes the payment and transfers the money to your bank account. There’s even a mobile card reader so you can swipe or dip the card from your phone or tablet. While it reduces the amount of time you need to expend working on reconciling your accounts, the odds of your bank statement and your general ledger matching immediately is pretty slim. It’s not that there aren’t advantages to connecting your bank account to your software, but it doesn’t do all the work for you. The only time the two will likely match is if there’s no activity on the account.

Make sure you enter all transactions for the bank statement period you plan to reconcile. If there are transactions that haven’t cleared your bank yet and aren’t on your statement, wait to enter them. Mark Calatrava is an accounting expert for Fit Small Business. As a QuickBooks ProAdvisor, Mark has extensive knowledge of QuickBooks products, allowing him to create valuable content that educates businesses on maximizing the benefits of the software. To complete the reconciliation process, you must verify that the difference is zero.

When you have a match, click the radial button next to the transaction and place a checkmark next to the transaction on your bank statement. When you click a radial button, the transaction will be reflected in the summary of cleared transactions at the top of the screen. Businesses should reconcile their bank accounts within a few days of each month end, but many don’t. Learn from these 10 common accounting mistakes to make improvements in your business. Over a short timeframe such as a month, differences between the two balances can exist (due to bank errors or checks that have not been cashed by the payee, for example).

This is done by noting discrepancies between the two accounts, finding the missing information, and making any additions or corrections in your general ledger. When you’ve entered all the information from your bank statement, click the green Start reconciling button to continue. If you adjusted a reconciliation by mistake or need to start over, reach out to your accountant. These kinds of changes can get complicated and unbalance your accounts. If you are looking to automate your bank reconciliation process, set up a demo call with our experts to automate your workflows using Nanonets. If this is your first time reconciling in QuickBooks Online (QBO), the transactions will be listed from the beginning of the account and the opening balance will be zero.

It needs to match the balance of your real-life bank account for the day you decided to start tracking transactions in QuickBooks. If your difference is, for example, $21.50, then look for a transaction for this amount on either your bank statement or the QuickBooks list of transactions. You can click on the amount column in the QuickBooks reconciliation screen to sort the transaction by amount.

Keeping your financial records in order is hugely important to the success of your business. Read the steps you should take when closing out your small business’ books for the end of the fiscal year. Give your accountant direct access to your books so she can find the reports and information she needs when questions arise.

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